Genre Research: Horror


Horror Sub Genre: Slasher

Horror formulaically follows a eerie, dark, ominous approach. Costumes go from casual to tattered torn and bloody.  Lighting is dim sand dark, yet saturated to highlight blood and the gory scenes overall. Acting can range from deranged and viscous from the killer to terrified and brave from the actors. The music and sound will build up to the climax to a scene, it follows exactly the mood the shot calls for.  

Props vary. Classic slasher films would have knife as the weapon, usually any household items are used as a murder weapon or defense weapon. Brutal Slashers would use weapons that cause more gory outcomes, like a saw, or a hammer. Make up is dependent on the character, killers would have artificial costumes or a 'wild and bloody' look. On the other hand, survivors/ victims would be dirtied and bloody.





The killer's props are what I like the best. They represent the killer, what they will do and how far they are willing to go. I don't like exaggerated masks in this genre. I prefer a more exposed killer who does not hide their identity and instead kill people in casual clothing. I feel like this more represents the idea that a killer could be anyone, even those who look 'normal'.


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