Title Research: Watch the Titles & Art of the Titles Website
Watch The Titles is a aesthetically pleasing website that I find easy to navigate. Once you click the site, you can get a insight of movie creators, book publishers, and other creators feelings of the movie design. Using the interviews can hep someone capture the feeling of a particular genre and the work that goes into it. Additionally its immensely helpful to see a section dedicated to student projects. Here, you can see student samples of their own unique title design. This helps creates inspiration for my own title genre. If you clicked one of the designs, there would be a summary explaining the choices, decisions and thought process that went into the title making, immensely helpful for someone like me. In Art of the Titles, provides a generous amount of examples . The first thing I see once I click that option is a list shows, movies, and cartoon titles. This site is literally its own oasis. If I wanted to find a certain designer's or studio's to get inspiration from I could find them on both websites.
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