Final Task: Script

Page 1: Scene 1: Livivng Room The clock ticks on the wall Actor is sitting on the couch. Camera shows close up of the fidgeting of hands. Side profile of actor from the right. "Whe will you leave?" Side profile of actor form the left. "Three years"- Voice over. Camera goes back to front profile and actor looks down. "It feels like forever." Page 2: Scene 1: Living Room High Angle. "Maybe it has been forever"- Voice over. Close up of face Actor stands from couch. "I refuse to believe that?" Scene 2: Kitchen Opens cabinet. "You can't ignore me forever."- Voice over. (Ideally a high angle) The cabinet closes. Over the shoulder. Hand grabbing bread. Page 3: Scene 2: Kitchen Actor moves to counter with food in hand. Medium close up. "You're a mental illness." Low angle. Actor moves across kicthen. Dialogue in this section. Action match of opening drawer. Actor examines knife. "Ouch!" Knife is moved...