Song Chosen!
Howdy. So for this music video, I'm going to be working by myself. YAY!
But Mya, why in the world would you do that to yourself? Isn't that alot of work?
That's what people have been asking me.
Why? Because I can. I thought about it, I could go socialize and ease the work load on myself. On the other hand, I don't want to socialize and I rather not stress about other getting their work done. If I was going to stress about work being done, at least I would be in control of that. At the end of the day, I can't force people to do something.
Isn't that alot of work? Yes. But alas, that is life. Besides doing it by myself, doesn't mean I can't ask for help or guidance.
The song I'm planning on doing is 'Rises the Moon" by Liana Flores. This song is simply amazing for a chill vibe. It gives off a nostalgia feel that I constantly refer back to throughout the day. I've been thinking about it since this project was first mentioned in the begining of the school year. It's a song that won't require me to spend a hundred bucks on, but it's also a song that demands more than low effort.
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