Genre Research: Comedy
Costumes vary in each film but tend to be more casual and colorful as opposed to something more grim. Lighting would be bright and yellowish in tone to show warmth and brightness. Music is commonly popular songs pop songs the audience knows, and cheery. Make-up is lighthearted, and natural to everyday life. or in contrast, unnatural to evoke comedic effect. Props are used to add to comedic affect, usually the character interacts with it to add to the genre.
Actors can adopt a exaggerated persona with exaggerated characteristic that could be considered animated or unnatural.
When it comes to camera movements and angles in comedy, they are greatly exaggerated to emphasize a dynamic/relationship or used in a uncanny manner. For example, zooming in and zooming out are exaggerated to where the camera is zoomed in or out too more than necessary.
Editing tend to be abrupt to highlight something with comedic timing. For example, unexpectedly cutting of music in a scene to highlight a awkward moment. Editing a comedic film should be straight forward and kept light to avoid cringe material
Example of comedy films:
Grown Ups 1 and 2
I would love to use uncanny pauses and exaggerated dynamics in comedy. They like to keep things lighthearted and full oh happy endings. However, what doesn't appeal to me is the lack of many editing techniques comedy. Editing comedy tends to be straightforward, where most of the comedic quality comes from the actors. Yes it would be easier to edit less, but I want to experiment with editing techniques that are required from me.
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