Genre Research: Thriller


What seperates thriller from horror is that thrillers hold more jumpscare and less gore than horror films.  

There is limited makeup usage to make charcaters more relatable to the audience. In a similar fashion, clothing will be casual to make the film more realistic.The lighting will be in a dark and cool tone to present a more omunious mood. The setting of the thriller usually take part in places eeire in nature, like a abaonded house for example. Relating to this, usually in climatic scenes, the chararcter would be in a isolated or space that feels limiting and claustrophobic. Actors, the victims are fearful, while the offender is unrelenting and uncanny. Women usually express distress with messed up makeup.

What makes thriller a great genre are the jumpscares. It something that cannot be replicated in any other genre. It is also what I dont like about thrillers, to capture a good jumpscare is difficult, without revealing said jumpscare before its time.

Examples of Thriller:




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