Production Blog: Review
Here comes the worst part of any person's life...
Peer review!
yes, the cursed revision of any student or worker who wants criticism of their work. Every time my teacher even hints at reviewing my peer's work my inside quiver in laziness. If not laziness, anxiety to have some intelligent bafoon give genuine feedback to my work. As you can tell, I don't like the idea of someone seeing the physical embodiment of my vision. Yet, necessary evils need to occur for me to do well in life.
I showed my mother my work. Since she had to hold the camera in some of the scenes, it seemed fair to give her a draft of the final. Being a Gen X, she wasn't very hard to impress. Heck, if I put an explosion to end every scene, she would've clapped. She found everything impressive, but while very nice to my ego, did not soothe my anxiety of the actual quality of my work. So I moved on to a fresher set of eyes.
I debated between showing my sister or a student. If I chose my sister, she might be biased. (And I didn't want criticism from her.) On the other hand, she is easily accessible. If I gave it to someone random and told them to write down some criticism, it would be written on paper, and there would be no strings attached. (I would intentionally go out of my way to avoid them) In the end, I chose a random student in my class to review my opening sequence. Once they finished, I grabbed my paper and made note of everything I would have to change in my film. To the student's credit, they gave valid criticism.
Critic that you won't see till' the next blog.
Till' next time.
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