Production Blog: Seqeunce of Filming
I set the camera to the exterior of my house, capturing its surroundings and establishing its location in the neighborhood. This shot sets the scene for the upcoming narrative, providing context for the viewer. I did this after returning from my walks from school, I found it to be a perfect opportunity.
I positioned the camera on the tripod, capturing the steady rhythm of my living room clock as its hands moved with precision. This shot punctuates the scene, emphasizing the passage of time within the comfort of my home. I added an extra shot of me zooming in on the clock, just for backup.
Now that the establishing shots or set, the real fun begins.
I had fun doing this next scene. one scene involving multiple angle changes. These changes indicated a change in my outer voice and my 'inner voice'. Since I had only one phone, you can imagine how much of a pain it was. Of course, if I had more cameras it would been easier, but I don't want to invest in that money. Plus, they most likely would've been in the shot. The easiest part was sitting on the couch and talking to myself.
The next scene happened in the kitchen. I had fun putting my phone in cabinets, drawers, and so forth. They added the spice of what could've been a bland scene. I incorporated some neat high angles, and low angles in that scene. My favorite part was pulling out the knife for emphasis. Since I had to play around with it and look invested, I decided to get into characters and fully take on the role. It's crazy how pristine and sharp knives can be. Don't worry I'm not crazy.
The scene where I was supposed to get hurt by a knife, is where I changed the knife fake.
And boom the kitchen scene is done. I would save the 'bloody' part for another day.
Till next time.
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